• Question: Did you know that this was the path you wanted to go down straight away or did it take a while

    Asked by anon-283680 to Simon on 11 Mar 2021.
    • Photo: Simon Payne

      Simon Payne answered on 11 Mar 2021:

      Hi Phoebe. I didn’t know that I wanted to be a psychologist until probably my second year of college, and even then I presumed it would be solely in the sport arena. I specialised in sport and exercise psychology after doing my degree at university, but I’ve always been interested in the application of psychological principles in other areas of performance. I’ve done quite a bit of self-employed consultancy in performance psychology, but decided to return to the university sector and become a lecturer because I’d enjoyed teaching so much during my time as a PhD student. Now, from my base as a lecturer I get to teach, do cool research, and some consultancy, as well as supervising student projects and generally mentoring my tutees, so it’s a pretty nice variety of activities. Not all psychologists are uni lecturers, of course, some are purely practicing psychologists, and there are lots of job opportunities that make use of psychology even though the job title might not include “psychologist.” Pursuing psychology opens doors, so it’s a good option if you are committed to further study even if you aren’t sure of the precise path you want to go down. I hope that helps! Best wishes, Simon
