• Question: What is deeper under space?

    Asked by anon-289992 on 24 Mar 2021.
    • Photo: Alex Baxendale

      Alex Baxendale answered on 24 Mar 2021:

      I’m afraid I’m not entirely sure what you mean by deeper under space, space itself is 3D which means it has an up, down, left, right, backwards and forwards (everything we see around us is in 3D). We also have not been able to tell if there is an ‘edge’ of space itself, which means that it could be infinite – it never ends, which would mean there is no way to have an under side. Maybe one of the other Psychologists knows a bit more about Physics and space than I do though!

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 24 Mar 2021:

      Really not my area, but, from a psychology and philosophy point of view – how do we know space exists outside of the context of our brains? Are we in a simulation?

    • Photo: Harry Piper

      Harry Piper answered on 24 Mar 2021:

      Hi! Similar to what the other have said, this isn’t really my area either. My understanding is that the universe is constantly expanding and contracting and this means its getting bigger and smaller all the time so its constantly changing! When you think about it, this is really impressive because how can something expand into a space that wasn’t there before!

    • Photo: Dennis Relojo-Howell

      Dennis Relojo-Howell answered on 25 Mar 2021:

      Great question. Sadly, I don’t have an answer. Perhaps, at one point, science can offer a more concrete answer.
